Saturday, June 26, 2010

Working Man

Desde que he sido un hombre de trabajo no he tenido tiempo para postear, pero aqui estan par de canciones bien / Since I started working I couldn't post anything but now here are the tracks.
Very "Dock" Style with some Avicii stuff in, correct me if i'm wrong.
Great track, electro sounding and the vocal at the middle of the track is good. Recommended.
I don't know, are you sure this is Tiesto? But it's a very good song thought the vocal is kinda repetitive.
THIS IS THE SHIT !!! Sit Download and Shut Up.
Very progressive with some vocals 2;06 VERY NICE musical composition.
Sunlovers's summer style with male vocal by jamie sparks, good lyrics by the way.
Rare style by Royk as always but this is kinda good. Enjoy.
I'm tired of comments, just download and enjoy this BOMB.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Welcome Sat

I just love saturday's morning
This is true house!! Algunas funky notes y un vocal clasico.
Quien no conoce esta song? Mark Pride le modifica un poco el beat en un break al final.
Para los que nos han oido Florence & the Machine!! What a SONG!?
This is the New one, the same style with the vocal but more electric hard kicking beat.
Lots of Drum and Bass...for those who went to Deadmau5 Unhook will remember this song. I DOOO !!
Remember Stay With Me? Well this is the beat (instrumental) only. Very good for mixing with other songs.
Robin S!! Fea y grande pero canta Dios mio :o !! Nice song by Richard Grey
Well...this is good, not too house or electric but is a good song.
Shit this is the song of the post!! I couldn't find the complete track I just found this radio edition. Hace que se me pongan los pelos de punta.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swedish House Mafia @ Magna [EXCLUSIVE]

Swedish House Mafia @ Magna [EXCLUSIVE] by meshhouzelectro


Is 7:oo AM in DR. Some house music early in the morning

Calm Day

Both are very calm song but It doesn't mean they won't knock your head off / Ambas son muy tranquilas pero no significan que no te volveran loco.
This is the calm remix but @4:00 It turns up / Este es el remix tranquilo pero al minuto 4:00 cambia.
Dirty South's masterpiece :D / La obra maestra de Dirty South

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good vocal + Hard Beat + Multi EFX + Fantastic Synth = BOMB!!

These are the rocking knocking songs of the moment. Some very hard and bassive others very inspirational but banging hot and some I can't explain.
This is HARD beating song but the break is just amazin with the short strings and the synth.
Ay Caramba!!
As I like , the synth and the composition of sounds in this song with the vocal is just INSPIRATIONAL.
One of the best bootlegs I've ever heard :o. Combining the tech synth sound of Technicolor and one of the best vocals in all the house history. It's just trancing HOT. Pure Gold!!
Chuckie did It again doing weird songs with variation in the beat and tempo with the synthetic sound making your head go CRAZY.
i'VE BEEN WATING FOR THIS!! What can I said? Hasta tu abuelita va a bailar esta/Your granny will dance with this song.
This is one of my favorites right now, some SHM influence here I can feel. Good vocal+hard beat+multi efx+synth=BOMB!!

Can you feel the Summer ??

Se puede sentir el calor del verano ya/You can feel the hot of summer already.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Late Night Work

It doen't matter how tired or busy... time is always enough to post nice songs.

Moody gotta be Proud of this !! Banging electro house with mambo tunes, perfect for a your sets.
I like the work in this one, nice booty. The Tik Tok fits perfectly it's a comemierdita song that people of all ages can enjoy but don't get lost Laktos Kids Rock !!
Well not my favorite song but the remix is good. Changing genres is not a piece of cake the remake is very good and the effects too.
Very trendy like all Chocolate Puma style with some mambito and instrument samplers.
May be the Best remix of Dinasty. BANG!!

Teenage Crime + Prog + Trance

From The Mix Set 5

Estas son canciones con las que hice el MIX Set 5 !! Enjoy this Bangers